Das sagen unsere Alumni


Esther Hoppe, Violine  


Als 15- und 16-Jährige konnte ich in den Sommerkursen von Astona andere junge, begabte Musiker kennenlernen, denen ich dann während meiner Studienzeit in den USA und in England (und auch danach) immer wieder begegnet bin. Es waren für mich ausserdem Wochen voll von musikalischen Impulsen, die wegweisend waren und die ich nicht missen möchte. Ich kann allen jungen Leuten Astona wärmstens empfehlen - es ist ein Ort, wo konzentriertes Arbeiten möglich ist und wo man Kontakte fürs Leben knüpft!


Jahrgang 1978, Schweiz 

Teilnahme 1993,  1994, 1995



Christian Poltéra, Cello                               


Ab meinem 12. Lebensjahr nahm ich sechs Mal in Folge an Astona teil. Diese Teilnahmen erachte ich heute als unverzichtbaren und prägenden Teil meiner Entwicklung als Cellist und Musiker. Der menschliche und musikalische Austausch mit Gleichaltrigen aus aller Welt, sowie die erstklassige musikalische Förderung der Dozenten waren für mich höchst inspirierend, motivierend und von entscheidender Bedeutung für meine weitere berufliche Laufbahn.


Jahrgang 1977, Schweiz

Teilnahme 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993

Linus Roth, Violine


Natürlich habe ich an Astona unheimlich viele, grossartige Erinnerungen, die mich bis heute begleiten. Als ich mit 12 Jahren zum ersten Mal an Astona teilnahm, eröffnete sich mir eine ganz neue Welt. Ich war plötzlich umgeben von jungen Menschen, die Musik genau so liebten wie ich! Das war wunderbar, denn in meiner Schulklasse war ich der Einzige, der ein klassisches Instrument spielte. Für 5 Sommer wurde dann der jährliche Astona Besuch das «Jahreshighlight» meiner Jugend: der Gedankenaustausch mit anderen, Kammermusik zu spielen, Musiker aus anderen Ländern kennenzulernen, für

Wochen weltberühmte Musiker als Lehrer zu haben, von den Älteren und Besseren sich
etwas abzugucken, gleichzeitig die atemberaubende Schweizer Natur zu geniessen - all das ist  zu unvergessenen Erlebnissen geworden, an die ich mich heute so gerne erinnere. Astona gab mir auf jede Art und Weise genug Inspiration, um ein ganzes Jahr lang davon zu zehren! Und heute treffe ich immer wieder Bekannte und Freunde in der Musikwelt, mit denen dann die Gespräche mit dem Satz beginnen: «..weisst Du noch in unserem gemeinsamen Jahr in Astona...?»


Jahrgang 1977, Deutschland

Teilnahme 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995


Philippe Jordan, Dirigent


Ich hatte als Schüler drei Sommer lang das Vergnügen, an Astona International teilnehmen zu dürfen.  Diese Erfahrung war für mich persönlich, musikalisch und für meinen weiteren Werdegang unbezahlbar.  Ich durfte erfahren, dass es viele Gleichgesinnte gibt, die auch ihren ganzen Enthusiasmus und ihre Zeit für die Musik und ihr Instrument einsetzten, und ich durfte durch sie erfahren, was eine gesunde Konkurrenz bedeutet, nämlich ein unglaublicher Ansporn, mich zu verbessern und zu entwickeln und dies als Motivation zu nehmen, sechs Stunden am Tag Klavier zu üben. Die Lehrer waren alles hochqualifiziert, und jeder hat auf seine Weise mir in drei

Wochen etwas geben können, was mich zusätzlich bereichert hat zu dem was ich von meinen eigenen Lehrern mitbekommen habe.  Die besondere Pflege der Kammermusik empfand ich als den zentralen Bereich, wo man nicht nur lernt, sich auszudrücken und anderen hochbegabten Partnern auf Augenhöhe zu begegnen, sondern sich gegenseitig zuzuhören und auszutauschen, was meiner Meinung nach die wichtigste Eigenschaft beim Musizieren ist. Immer wieder erfreulich ist es auch, in meinem jetzigen Berufsleben als Dirigent, Berufsmusiker zu begegnen, die mit mir damals in Astona dabei waren.


Jahrgang 1974, Schweiz

Teilnahme 1990, 1992, 1992


Marcel Kits, Cello


Thank you very much for Astona 2012. It was really wonderful to be here third time and I enjoyed everything here very much. I really appreciate that you let me, Rasmus and Robert play together the Frank Martin piano trio which was really wonderful piece. They loved the course very much and started thinking of coming back already in the second week. It was also a pleasure to us to have guidance from Francis Gouton, who is a really great teacher in both chamber music and in my private lessons. We are already looking forward to Astona 2013!


Jahrgang 1995, Estland  

Teilnahme 2010,  2011, 2012, 2013


Mutter von Hana Mizuta-Spencer, Violine


Thank you very much for another fantastic three weeks . Hana said she enjoyed even more than last year! It was beautiful Gala concert - Hana did not tell me that she was going to play at gala concert! Astona gave Hana something special and these experience would stay for ever. I admire your effort to organise such a great course.  Hana is already making plan for next year!


Jahrgang 1997, England

Teilnahme 2011, 2012, 2013


Mutter von Laura van der Heijden, Cello


I would like to thank you for what Laura considers the best 3 weeks of her life! Astona was appealing to her in every possible dimension, which is wonderful, considering how hard it is to find a good standard summer course for a young teenager. I really appreciate your efforts for her chamber music, I know it sadly didn't work out the way you had planned it, but nevertheless I was impressed with your judgment - obviously you have vast experience, and Laura had a good time with the trio anyway. Laura very much enjoyed her lessons with Francis Gouton, an enjoyment that seems to have been mutual. 


Jahrgang 1997, England

Teilnahme 2011

Linda Heiberga, Cello


I just wanted to let you know that I really, really enjoyed being in Astona. I am so thankful for the opportunity you have given me since my first Astona!!! It was always the most exciting and productive time of my summer. I truly enjoyed returning to Astona every summer and I will miss it!


Jahrgang 1978, Lettland

Teilnahme 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

Katariina Kits, Violine


I want to thank you with all my heart for your huge work and dedication for Astona and the extraordinary opportunity for us to be part of it. Not only me, but also my friends from Astona have realized, how much we have actually learned and how much inspiration we have got. Without Astona we wouldn’t be there where we are now. I remember the times about four-six years ago, when Astona was the most important thing during the year, I counted every single day which passed since previous Astona and how many days are left until the next one in my practice journal. Thank you very much!!!


Jahrgang 1995, Estland

Teilnahme 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018

Mutter von Neil Dixon, Violine

I wanted to thank you a lot and let you know how much Neil loved his music course at ASTONA and enjoyed every moment being there! He had an amazing experience, and can't stop talking about it - his course, his teachers, his new friends and everybody. He had some amazing teachers who taught him so much and with who he wants to keep in contact. He says he had the best time in his life and he can't wait to go back there again next year! Thank you very much for all that you have done for them.


Jahrgang 2001, England

Teilnahme 2017, 2018 

Michaela Fruend, Bratsche

I had the opportunity to catch up with two friends from Astona today in New York, and we were talking about what a wonderful experience we had at Astona.  I wanted to send you a quick email to thank you for all that you do to make Astona happen. I am so grateful for the two summers I was able to spend there. I'm continually amazed at both the phenomenal faculty and extremely talented students (not to mention the beautiful setting!);  It is such an inspiring combination!  Thank you so much for everything!


Jahrgang  1994, USA

Teilnahme 2013, 2014 

Jennifer Murphy, Violine

I would like to thank you most sincerely for giving me the opportunity to attend Astona this summer. It was a wonderful experience in so many respects. I feel I have learned so much from all of the marvelous teachers and indeed from the other students there. I have made so many new friends from all around the world whom I know will be friends for life!


Jahrgang 1988, Irland

Teilnahme 2011, 2012, 2013 

Emily Mather, Violine

I want to thank you so much for giving me the experience of a lifetime this summer at Astona.  I learned so much and grew so much as both a musician and a person, and it was all thanks to this beautiful program you have built.  I feel so lucky to have had such an amazing experience, and I am truly going to use everything that I have learned within those three weeks to better myself even more the best that I can for my future.  The program not only helped me build upon and work at the skills I had brought to the table to begin with, but also open up new doors and ideas that I had never come across in my musical studies before.  I feel so fortunate to have had an opportunity such as this, and I cannot thank you enough times for giving me such a life-changing experience.  


Jahrgang 1992, USA

Teilnahme 2011, 2012

Valle-Rasmus Roots, Cello

I want to thank You from the bottom of my heart for these fantastic 3 weeks. These 2 times in my life when I have attended Astona have been the most inspiring events. I´m also very grateful for receiving these scholarships, without it I couldn´t have had that great chance to attend Astona.


Jahrgang 1994

Teilnahme 2011, 2012, 2013

Auli Lonks, Klavier

I am writing you to express my gratitude for everything that the Astona team has offered us again this year. Once again, it was a very educational, exciting and inspiring three weeks, that influences us for a long time. I want to thank you sincerely for having me in the course again, that for me is the greatest gift and has indescribable importance for me as a musician. I want to thank you personally, the whole organizing team, the teachers and everyone, who made this fantastic course possible. Thank you for giving us the time of our life and the experience, that we will remember for a lifetime. All the best to you and good luck for organizing this very special course!


Jahrgang 1994, Estland

Teilnahme 2013, 2016 

Valentin Malanetchi, Klavier

I want to thank you for these wonderful, amazing, exciting three weeks together in Astona. It was probably the best summer in my life, and in these three weeks I improved maybe more than in the whole past year. It was, besides the first-class teaching, a huge performing experience, which I needed so much. I had an amazing performance in Zurich. I still can't believe that I played so beautiful the Ballade. When I started playing the middle section (Tempo I), I started to cry without tears, for it was so beautiful. The audience was very nice. I had to come back and bow three times. And also, our Smetana Trio in Unterägeri was pretty good. I just wanted to show you my deep gratitude for everything you did for me. Looking forward for a new, amazing Astona 2012, and wishing you all the best.


Jahrgang 1995, Moldawien

Teilnahme 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015

Mutter von Jan Inge Dryhaug, Cello

It has been three happy and meaningful weeks for Jan Inge at Astona this year. He felt very comfortable with you in Astona without me being right beside him, even though this is the first time ever. I am very grateful for your care for him. It is very comforting for me to know that Astona has a strict daily routine so that all the students could get enough rest for the next day to get the most out of the course. Jan Inge loved the indivual lessons, the chamber music, orkestre, house concerts and public concerts and meeting other ambitious youths playing wonderful music, all in beautiful sorroundings and friendly atmosphere.  Astona has met every expectation we had. Thank you all very much.


Jahrgang 1997, Norwegen

Teilnahme 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015

Mutter von Mira Williams, Bratsche

It took awhile to get through all of the pictures and videotapes, but I wanted to see everything before I sent you a note. Mira had a most wonderful time in Switzerland. She says she now feels like a "world traveler." I want to thank you and your staff for taking such good care of my child. Mira now has memories and new friends she will never forget. She said the food was great, especially the soup! I heard stories of clouds that floated into the rooms, cowbells and fun times. Most of all she really enjoyed making music with all of the students. I am so glad I have the videotape of her performing with the orchestra. It was a great experience for her. Thanks again for everything.


Jahrgang 1997, USA

 Teilnahme 2011